Workgroups and Committees

The Pharmacy HIT Collaborative Committees and Work Groups, formerly known as PSTAC, the Pharmacist Services Technical Advisory Coalition, was founded in 2002 to improve the coding infrastructure necessary to support billing for pharmacists’ professional services. In 2012 PSTAC was restructured so that it is under the same umbrella of leadership as the Pharmacy HIT Collaborative Committees and Work Groups (PSTAC website is inactive and is for historic purposes only).

The Pharmacy HIT Collaborative’s Volunteer Workgroups help facilitate the Collaborative’s efforts, particularly in regards to our strategic plan. There are currently four Workgroups:

Workgroup 1 – Professional Service Claims and Codes

2023 Description: Monitor and support revenue opportunities for pharmacy services, including organizations responsible for establishing and maintaining billing codes and the transactions using the codes (e.g., AMA/CPT, ICD-10, NCPDP, X12, HL7). Evaluate NCPDP WG1, WG10 and WG11 activity to determine the need for new codes or Value Sets for billing professional services. Monitor quality reporting measures as they relate to pharmacists’ services including organizations overseeing these measures (e.g., PQA, NQF, NCQA, AMA/CPT). Develop guidance to the pharmacy profession related to the workgroup’s efforts.

  • Chair – Jenny Arnold – Representing NASPA
  • Vice Chair – Anne Burns – Representing APhA
  • Staff Liaison – Lisa Schwartz – Representing NCPA
  • Maureen Sullivan – Representing APhA
  • Brian Isetts – Representing APhA
  • Dan Buffington – Representing APhA
  • Dusty Allen – Representing APhA
  • Zach Williams – Representing APhA
  • Stuart Beatty – APhA
  • Ralph Kalies – Representing ASCP
  • Roua Dabal – Representing ASCP
  • Laura Cranston  – Representing EHR Data
  • Kari Trapskin – Representing NASPA
  • Laura Hanson – Representing NASPA
  • David Pope – Representing NCPA
  • Ross Pope – Representing Prescribery
  • Paige Clark – Representing Prescryptive
  • Allison Shuster – Representing Pfizer
  • Jim Green – Representing Surescripts
  • Shannon Reidt – Representing Surescripts
  • Randy Craven – Representing Wellcare
  • Pam Schweitzer – Observer
  • Jamie Wilkey – Observer
  • Mary Ann Kliethermes – Observer
  • Klodiana Myftari – Observer

Work Group 1 Documents

Relative Value Units (RVUS): a Primer on Why They are Important to Pharmacists (7/1/2022)

Guiding Principles for the Development and Use of Documentation and Billing Codes for Pharmacists’ Patient Care Services (2/22/2021)

Guidance on Pharmacist eCare Plan3/3/2020)

Guidance for Use of Transitional Care and Chronic Care Management CPT Codes (3/4/2019)

Case Study Examples: Pharmacists Working in Collaboration With Physicians and Other Health Care Professionals (2/6/2015)

New Codes for Transitional Care Management (2/11/2014)

Workgroup 2 – Professional Service Documentation and Coding

2023 Description: Identify pharmacists professional service documentation codes (e.g., SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNorm, CPT™, ICD10); as necessary monitor and act upon standards development organizations activity (e.g., NCPDP, HL7, USCDI); develop educational or guidance material about the technical use of pharmacists coding EHR documentation (e.g., deprescribing, medication reconciliation, disease or condition specific outcomes, Pharmacist eCare Plan, SDOH, Pharmacogenomics).

  • Chair – Barbara Zarowitz – Representing ASCP
  • Vice Chair – Patty Lind – Representing APhA
  • Staff Liaison – TBD
  • Marie Smith – Representing AACP
  • Maureen Sullivan – Representing APhA
  • David Bright – Representing APhA
  • Ivanne Chiovoloni – Representing APhA
  • Dusty Allen – Representing APhA
  • Sandra Leal – Representing APhA
  • Heather Horton – Representing APhA
  • Patty Allen – Representing APhA
  • Susan Rhodus – Representing ASCP
  • Derek Pinnell – Representing ASHP
  • Mary Ann Kliethermes – Representing ASHP
  • Ann Schwemm – Representing HOPA
  • Karen Eckert – Representing NCPDP
  • Frank McKinney – Representing NCPDP
  • Kim Roberts – Representing PHIT
  • Patty Lind – Representing PHIT
  • Holden Graves – Representing PioneeerRx
  • Ross Pope – Representing Prescribery
  • Charles Gedeon – Representing Prescribery
  • Billy Chow – Representing Prescryptive
  • Paige Clark – Representing Prescryptive
  • Tony Little – Representing Prescryptive
  • Allison Shuster – Representing Pfizer
  • Jim Green – Representing Surescripts
  • Shannon Reidt – Representing Surescripts
  • Ann Wild – Representing Tabula Rasa
  • Anita Skaria – Representing Wellcare
  • Randy Craven – Representing Wellcare
  • Sam Hodges  – Representing Wellcare
  • Pam Schweitzer – Observer
  • Shannon Thor – Observer

Work Group 2 Documents

Guidance Document for Clinical Documentation of Social Determinants of Health SDOH Data for Pharmacists (7/29/2023)

Why Standardized Codes to to Capture Discontinued Medication Reasons are Needed (1/9/2022)

Environmental Scan of Pharmacogenomics Coding: Current Practice and Barriers (12/16/2020)

Guidance for Use of SNOMED CT in Pharmacists’ Documentation of Medication-Related Outcomes (9/6/2018)

Guidance for Use of SNOMED CT in Transitions of Care Documentation (9/6/2016)

Implementing SNOMED CT in Practice: A Beginner’s Guide (5/27/2016)

Environmental Scan of Pharmacogenomics Coding: Current Practice and Barriers (6/1/2015)

Documenting Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Models Using SNOMED CT Codes (8/1/2014)

Medication Therapy Management Services Clinical Documentation: Using a Structured Coding System – SNOMED CT (2/11/2014)

Workgroup 3 – Electronic Clinical Exchange and Workflow 

2024 Description: The purpose of the Electronic Clinical Exchange and Workflow Work Group 3 is to improve quality patient care across the care continuum by leveraging technology at the intersection of clinical workflows and electronic clinical standards. The Work Group assists the Collaborative with guidance to pharmacists and other key stakeholders about Health Information Exchanges (HIE’s), Qualified Health Information Networks (QHIN’s), clinical aspects of e-prescribing, workflow related to the pharmacists’ patient care process, digital health, clinical data exchange, and other standard electronic-related transactions.

  • Chair – Mark Baumgart – Representing ASHP
  • Vice Chair – Beth Breeden  Representing ASHP
  • Staff Liaison – TBD
  • Clark Kebodeaux -Representing AACP
  • Chuck Hennes – Representing AACP
  • Kathy Vieson – Representing APhA
  • Brian T. Henderson – Representing APhA
  • Taylor Kravatz – Representing ASCP
  • Connie Saltsman – Representing ASHP
  • Suzanne Catalfomo – Representing ASHP
  • Mary Ann Kliethermes – Representing ASHP
  • Rebecca Snead – Representing NASPA
  • Nishant Roa – Representing Prescribery
  • Tony Little – Representing Prescryptive
  • Paige Clark – Representing Prescryptive
  • Allison Shuster – Representing Pfizer
  • Randy Craven – Representing Wellcare
  • Beth Brusig – Observer
  • Pam Schweitzer – Observer
  • Meghan Gabriel – Observer
  • Sonya Zhan – Observer
  • Mimi Baker – Observer

Work Group 3 Documents

Use of HIEs to Access Clinical Information for COVID-19 Test to Treat Services (10/13/2022)

Optimized Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Using FHIR-Based CDS Hooks (7/28/2021)

Integrating Pharmacists into Health Information Exchanges – Update Version (2/9/2018)

Overview of Pharmacists’ Role of mHealth in Medication Adherence (7/11/2016)

System Vendor Checklist for Pharmacist Clinical Documentation Workflow (1/5/2015)

Integrating Pharmacists into Health Information Exchanges (8/22/2014)

Workflow of Pharmacist Clinical  Documentation Process in  Pharmacy Practice Settings (7/28/2014)

Workgroup 4 – Pharmacy Systems Interoperability

2023 Description: 

Work on guidance documents to educate pharmacists on the value of their system vendors in adopting functionality of a pharmacist EHR and health IT certification to accomplish interoperability which includes:

  • Preparing clinical documentation within an EHR by pharmacists for interoperable exchange of clinical data for analytics and quality reporting.
  • Supporting HL7 and NCPDP in evaluating and recommending changes to EHR functional profiles and FHIR standards specific to community, ambulatory, long term post-acute care, and hospital practice settings.
  • Chair – Cathy Graeff – Representing NACDS
  • Vice Chair – Richard Parrish – Representing USP
  • Staff Liaison – Jing Wu – Representing ASCP
  • Allen Nichol – Representing APhA
  • Bill Lockwood – Representing APhA
  • David Butler – Representing APhA
  • Dusty Allen – Representing APhA
  • Patricia Lind – Representing APhA
  • Justin George – Representing APhA
  • William A. Lockwood, Jr. – Representing APhA
  • Gary Dighe – Representing ASCP
  • Arnie Clayman – Representing ASCP
  • Greg Milanich – Representing ASCP
  • Shawn Matthew – Representing ASHP
  • Hesham Mourad – Representing ASHP
  • Chip Stubsten – Representing ASHP
  • Alexandria Hesketh – Representing ASHP
  • Joy Meier – Representing ASHP
  • Lauren Zion – Representing HOPA
  • Darren Townsend – Representing NACDS
  • Chris Smith – Representing NCPDP
  • Scott Robertson – Representing NCPDP
  • Allison Shuster – Representing Pfizer
  • David Kosar – Representing PHIT
  • Dao Ly – Representing PioneeerRx
  • Tony Little – Representing Prescryptive
  • Paige Clark – Representing Prescryptive
  • Shannon Reidt – Representing Surescripts
  • Tejay Cardon – Representing Tabula Rasa
  • Tom Nash – Representing Tabula Rasa
  • Joel Villahermosa – Representing Tabula Rasa
  • Mani Kaleeswaran – Representing Tabula Rasa
  • Sam Hodges  – Representing Wellcare
  • Joel Montavon – Observer
  • Pam Schweitzer – Observer
  • Marie Link – Observer
  • Kayla Cierniak – Observer
  • Sonya Zhan – Observer

Work Group 4 Documents

Identifying, Predicting, and Preventing Adverse Drug Events (ADEs): The Need for Standardized ADE Terminology, Coding, Documentation, and Consistent Clinical Usage in Electronic Health Records (3/31/22)

Health IT System Requirements for Pharmacists to Document Chronic Care Management Services (4/1/2019)

Electronic Health Record Certification: Making the Pharmacist’s Case to System Vendors by Practice Specific Settings (5/30/2016)

Electronic Health Record Certification: Making the Pharmacists’ Case to System Vendors (10/21/2014)

HL7 EHR-System for a Pharmacist/Pharmacy Electronic Health Record Implementation Guide for Community Practice (6/8/2012)

Value Set Committee

2020 – 2022 Description: The Value Set Committee (VSC) is responsible for vetting and approving documentation codes and value sets for use in national electronic health information exchanges for the pharmacy profession. Value sets are lists of specific terms and their associated codes that describe clinical concepts for electronic health documentation. Value sets submitted and published through the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) are intended to represent federally recognized codes to be used as standards for electronic health documentation.

  • Chair – Patty Lind – Representing PHIT
  • Staff Liason – TBD 
  • Abby Kahaleh  – Representing AACP
  • Allen Stein – Representing Tabula Rasa
  • Andrew Grothen – Representing NASPA
  • Anthony Pudlo – Representing NASPA
  • Nicole Hasson – Representing NASPA
  • Brittany Melton – Representing AACP
  • Jongwha Chang– Representing AACP
  • Joshua Johnson- Representing APhA
  • Katherine O’Neal  – Representing AACP
  • Laura Gianni- Representing APhA
  • Laura Wiggins- Representing HOPA
  • Kristina Hesse – Representing HOPA
  • Mark Maneval- Representing APhA
  • Michael Daly  – Representing AACP
  • Brian Fung- Representing ASHP
  • Patrizia Taddei-Allen – Representing APhA
  • Simon Anderegg – Representing Docstation
  • Kim Roberts – Representing PHIT

Value Set Committee Documents
Implementing SNOMED CT in Practice: A Beginner’s Guide